Up Mount Bosworth

We asked our guide several times what a certain mountain that we saw was named.  She told us that most of the mountains in Gates of the Arctic do not have names.  We fixed that problem for one mountain.  Vicky had not joined us for our hike the first day and we wanted her to experience climbing in the boreal forest in Gates.  So at the end of the river valley, we turned to our left and hiked up the hillside.  The brush there was not nearly so dense but it was still work for us.  There was still plenty of brush and the ground was still mostly very soft and spongy.

You can see Vicky starting up the hillside from the river in the first photo.  Again, most of the low red bushes are blueberries.


April and Andrew were following us up the mountain in the second photo.


On this ridge, we actually hit some areas that were largely rock and not so completely covered with plants.  You can see this in the third photo.


Vicky is nearing the summit of Mount Bosworth in the fourth photo.


April was the one who actually had the idea to name this low mountain Mount Bosworth.  In the fifth photo, April is celebrating having summited Mount Bosworth.  And yes, the ground there was super soft and spongy so very comfortable for lying down.  Andrew is in the sixth photo, sitting on the pinnacle of Mount Bosworth and enjoying the view.


We took a different route coming down from Mount Bosworth but again, coming down was always much easier because we could better see which direction had less brush.
