Our First Kobuk Valley Hike

After setting up camp, it started to rain so we ate our lunch inside the camp tent.  As we finished lunch, the rain stopped and we started off on our first hike in Kobuk Valley.  We hiked for over three hours and had a great time. 

It was a short distance to the river so we walked there to start our hike.  You can see April and the river and notice that the sun had already come out.  Changing weather was a constant in the parks.


We walked along the creek to the point of the second photo.  At that point, the creek turned away from us and we turned inward towards the vast spaces of the sand dunes.


I believe that this creek is called Ahnewetut Creek.  It was a small creek with one part of the channel being somewhat deeper than the rest, like maybe a foot deep.

You can see that there was no right or wrong way to go on these hikes.  We just followed our noses and sometimes aimed at something that we thought might be interesting to see.


You might also be able to notice that as the afternoon progressed, we began to take off some of our layers of clothing.
