Wolf Tracking

Emilie, our guide, caught up to us at some point on our first hike and asked if we had noticed the wolf tracks that we had just passed.  We hadn’t but we went back the short distance to see them.

You can see some of the first prints in the first photo.  You can also see the size of the wolf’s paw print in the second photo alongside of Vicky’s hand.  I would judge it to be a big wolf from its print.


We decided to follow the wolf on the hope of getting to see it.  You can see the trail in the third photo and it was not hard to follow.  We followed this wolf for probably a mile and a half to two miles, maybe further.  At some point, we saw a second set of wolf prints and we followed that wolf for some time as well.  It was actually somewhat exciting.  As we cleared each rise in the sand, we would look out with the hope of seeing the wolf, though we never did see the wolf. It wasn’t hard but it was fun to do the tracking.


Andrew is tracking in the fourth photo and the whole group is going down the dune in the last photo, hot on the wolf’s trail.


We eventually gave up on catching up with the wolf and moved on to more interesting things that we were passing.