
The Bhutanese love sports.  Archery is their national sport.  Other major sports include soccer and darts.  As we were driving this day, we saw a game of darts going on and pulled over to the side of the road and made another unscheduled stop.  The game is a bit like ‘lawn darts’ only they use really big wooden darts.  The length of the throw is 25 meters or about 82 feet.  They have two teams of players with darts and both teams have players at both ends of the field.

In the first photo, you can see the whole game field which was being played in an empty field.  Each team has five or six players at each end of the field.  The target is on a small block of wood or foam. 


You can see in the second photo that they are right in town or at least in a populated area with a road right next to the open field.


You can see a player giving the dart a heave in the third photo. It takes quite a throw to get the heavy wooden darts to fly the 82 feet. In this game, two company’s employees were competing against each other.  You might also notice the yellow sashes hanging off some of the player’s belts in various photos. The sashes are awarded when a player scores a point.  You can tell the better players as they have more sashes hanging off their belts.  Most of all, they all seemed to be having a great time and enjoying the game immensely.  Their clothing, by the way, is standard traditional Bhutanese men’s clothing which is what most Bhutanese men wore. 


In the photo below you can see the target and a better close-up of the darts. That’s a small target for a throw of 82 feet.


I believe that in the last photo, we are seeing some consternation over the scoring. I think that there is a dispute about who scored or how many points were scored.
