The Takin Preserve

We didn’t see very many non-farm animals in Bhutan.  But we did make a stop at The Takin Preserve.  The Takin is the national animal of Bhutan.  A Takin is a strange looking animal.  It looks a bit like it has the head of a goat stuck on the body of a cow.  You can see one in the first photo.

Takin are found from forested valleys to rocky, grass-covered alpine zones, at altitudes between 3,300 and 14,800 feet above sea level. The Mishmi takin occurs in eastern Arunachal Pradesh, while the Bhutan takin is in western Arunachal Pradesh. The Takin is a muscular animal with well developed fur.


We also saw barking deer and stag deer at the Takin Preserve.  You can see a stag deer in the second photo.


The third photo was taken up in the mountains when we were on a nature hike.  These monkeys are a real problem for the farmers as they raid the rice fields and eat both the rice and other crops and also destroy many of the plants.  The farmers have to keep a watch posted for them. 
