Ashgabat at Night

We are still in Ashgabat.  I didn’t get much opportunity to get out at night but the area of central Ashgabat, the white-marble area, is really lit up at night.  They light the buildings, the fountains, the roadways, the monuments, and it’s really a sight to see.  I didn’t have much opportunity to take photos and these aren’t that nice but it will give you a glimpse of Ashgabat at night.

The first photo is a moving bus photo on a drive home from dinner.


The second photo was from the balcony on our hotel room.


The third photo was from near a restaurant where we had dinner one night. 


The fourth photo is a moving bus photo.  I think this monument was just in a roundabout in the road.


The last photo is the Palace of Happiness or Wedding Palace.  This changed colors from red to yellow to green to gold, etc.  Also we had dinner in the Wedding Palace restaurant, which you can see in this photo, and that is the next post.  Also, as a reminder, this was the fourth question on the Ashgabat Quiz, so you can go back and look at the building in the daylight.
