Horse Farm Lunch

We had lunch at the horse farm and I enjoyed watching them cook lunch as much as I enjoyed the horses.  In fact, lunch was being cooked as we had our horse showing and the cooking was nearby.  I kept going back and forth between watching the cooking and watching the horse showing.

They used four cooking fires but I was most curious about the first one, which you can see in the first photo.  That fire was really a blaze for some time before it calmed down.


The second photo was quite a bit later and you can see all four cooking fires.  If you look into the first cooking pot, you can see the naan (bread) that was cooked for our lunch.  They had a huge fire and when it calmed down, the stuck the naan to the insides of the cooking oven and the naan stayed stuck there until cooked and taken out to eat.  The entire inside along the rim was filled with naan.  You can see the big glove that the woman used to input and retrieve the naan.  The naan was excellent.


You can see more of the cooking crew in the third photo and also see that I wasn’t the only one very interested in the cooking.  Nora was probably discussing how the heck they get the naan into the stove and then how they get it back out – without burning themselves.  You can see some naan stacked on the table.


Vicky and our friend Patty are enjoying the first rounds of lunch in the fourth photo.  We were served lots of fresh vegetables, fresh naan (bread), and vegetable and meat soup.


Plov was the main course and you can see my plate of it in the last photo.  It’s rice with meat and vegetables along with yogurt (like sour cream) and chives.  It was delicious.
