Ashgabat QUIZ

It’s time for a Quiz.  This will hopefully help you understand some of our wonderment about Ashgabat.


1.     This is a bus stop.  Question: what did I find most unusual about their bus stops?


2.     Question: where (in a general traffic term) is this monument located?


3.     Question: what is this structure?  (never mind that the walkway up to it could hold hundreds of thousands of people)


4.     Question: what is this building and what is its main function?


5.     Question: what is the function of this space, seen in this photo?



You could probably search online and find some of the answers but I would recommend you have some fun, and just guess.

Prior to going to Ashgabat, I can assure you, I would not have guessed any of these correctly.

The answers are in the next post.