Ashgabat Quiz Answers

I hope you had some fun with my Ashgabat Quiz.  I just wanted to give you a better idea of just how crazy we found Ashgabat.

  1. This is a bus stop.  Question: what did I find most unusual about their bus stops?

Answer:  The bus stop has Air Conditioning!  I never heard of an air conditioned bus stop before and would never ever have guessed that such a thing existed.  Most of the ones with air conditioning are in central Ashgabat.


  1. Question: where (in a general traffic term) is this monument located?

Answer: In a Roundabout.  We saw several incredible monument-like structures located just in regular traffic roundabouts.  They were dedicated to things like wheat growers or cotton growers or some industry.  I’m uncertain about this one though I thought it looked a bit like a clove of garlic.


  1. Question: what is this structure?  (never mind that the walkway up to it could hold hundreds of thousands of people)

Answer: It is the world’s largest indoor Ferris wheel.  We visited here and I will make a post from here.  And of course, it is also air conditioned.


  1. Question: what is this building and what is its main function?

Answer: This is the Palace of Happiness or the Wedding Palace.  It’s a high-end wedding palace.  It can register 7 pairs of newlyweds at a time.  It has three celebration halls, seven banquet halls for weddings, dozens of shops for wedding dresses, wedding car decorations, jewelry rentals, photo and beauty salons and a restaurant.  On a side note, we had dinner here one night and I’ll make a post from that dinner.


  1. Question: what is the function of this space, seen in this photo?

Answer: This is a pedestrian underpass.  It was near the front of our hotel and for pedestrians to cross under the street.  It was 30 feet wide, white marble, clean enough to eat off the floor, had lighting and security cameras.  It had everything but people using it.  Vicky, Nora, and I just couldn’t resist giving it a whirl.