Ahu Akivi

This is Ahu Akivi.  It is considered to be a very unique statue placement on Easter Island.  That is because this was the only place on the island where they found statues that were originally “facing” the water.  All other locations had the statues facing inwards and away from the water towards the land.  You can see that the Ahu Akivi statues, having been restored, are facing the ocean – in the first photo.

Another interesting point here is that all seven moai are of equal shape and size.  This is not seen anywhere else on Easter Island.

This site also seems to be a celestial observatory.  The moai exactly face sunset at the spring equinox and their backs are exactly to the sunrise at the autumn equinox.  This situation is also only found at this location on Easter Island.

The lighting was very challenging at this and other sites for taking good photos of the moai.  That's why I tried to include Vicky in plenty of my photos.  Exactly, what moai?