
Vinapu was our next stop and another Easter Island highlight.  Many archaeologists believe that the Rapa Nui people were made up from two early immigrations to Easter Island.  It is believed that the initial immigration wave was Polynesians.  It is believed that the second immigration wave was Incas from Peru.  Why would people think that.  Thor Heyerdahl and others felt great confidence due to the rock formations built here at Vinapu.  Below are photos of the ahu, or platform, which show extraordinary masonry.  Stone work such as this has never been discovered at any other Polynesian site.

I’ve only included a couple of close-up photos from one wall at Vinapu.  This stone work is very much like the Incan stone work around Cuzco and Machu Picchu.  The Incan stone work is very unique with its extremely close joined rocks and its rounded pieces and interlocking pieces.

One interesting point and another that adds to the mystery of Easter Island is that some archaeologists believe that these walls were constructed before the year 1440.  Similar walls in Peru were built after 1440, so how could people have migrated to here from there and....?

The third photo is from our trip to Peru and is a close up of some Peruvian Incan stone work.  I have to say that seeing this was very exciting.  Hence the reason for the belief that there was a wave of immigration from the Incans from Peru.