Back from the Pyramids

As many of you know, I’m usually on the lookout for flora and fauna on my trips.  We haven’t seen too much in the way of fauna so far in my pictures.  We did see some animals but it was nothing compared to the antiquities.  The first photo is a bird that we saw in Cairo.   I just thought that it looked interesting.


The second photo was taken from our speeding taxi on our way back from Dahshur.  We passed miles and miles of date palm orchards.  Egypt must supply the whole world with dates.  As an added note, these farmers were double cropping – they were growing alfalfa underneath the date palm trees.


The third photo was on our drive back from Dahshur, but this photo was taken on the freeway.  The Egyptian drivers pay no attention to lines, lights, signals, or any other mundane traffic parameters – they just drive.  During this drive, our taxi driver discussed politics with us.  He didn’t like George Bush or Hosni Mubarack, both for not taking care of the common people.  It was a great discussion.  The only down side was that he kept getting more and more agitated as we talked.  And as he got more agitated, he drove faster and faster and also more erratic. And during our drive back to our hotel, the traffic kept getting heavier and heavier (3rd photo).  We made it back safe, but I felt like I’d been on an amusement park thrill ride.
