Cairo Farewell

This was the end of Cairo and Egypt.  We went out on the town on our last night to the Blue Nile Restaurant in Cairo.  The first photo was taken from the walkway to the restaurant.  It was right on the Nile and on a permanently docked boat.  Our guide told us that the Blue Nile was “the happening hot spot” in Cairo.  She said that “Everybody who was anybody ate at the Blue Nile”. As we were leaving, I questioned her about this statement. I told her that the Blue Nile was nearly empty.  She then told me that “no one” of any importance shows up to eat dinner before 11:30 pm. It was about 9:30 pm as we were leaving the Blue Nile.  Oh well…


The second photo is our bell hop checking in our luggage for the ride to the airport.  Sometimes, the simple things put a smile on my face (like the bell hop’s uniform).


The last photo is just my farewell to Egypt photo.  The Red Pyramid is in the background.  I was standing next to the Bent Pyramid (not in photo). I was feeling at one with Egypt.
