
We are finally coming to Luxor which was the end of our river cruise on the Nile.  The first photo is another factory, but this one was not belching any smoke.  There was a lot more industry in Luxor than at any of the other towns we passed.


The second photo is in the middle of town.  Our guides always talked about how newer pharaohs and civilizations always just built right over the old ones.  They are still doing that.  I liked the second photo because you can see some ancient pillars and buildings and the newer buildings are just built right amongst it.


The third photo is, I believe, a picture of a restaurant on the Nile.  From the boats tied up on the river, I would guess it attracts quite a few tourists.  But you can see that some of the Egyptians are doing quite well for themselves, as someone has their plane tied up as well.


Our guide said that Luxor means the city of palaces.  Luxor was the capital of Egypt for about 500 years.  Luxor was called Thebes by the Greeks during the Greco-Roman period.  Our tour guide said that one-third of all the world’s antiquities come from Luxor, not from Egypt, but just from Luxor.  I don’t know if this is true, but there is a tremendous amount of temples and antiquities sites in Luxor.  We stayed in Luxor a couple of days and they were very busy days.