Nile Cruise 3

We are still cruising down the Nile.  I took this first picture because this is what we usually saw looking down the Nile.  We saw almost no other boats.  In the first photo, you can see one boat coming up river, but that was all.  There is very little long haul transportation on the Nile.  Most of the time, we had the river to ourselves. I believe that they used trains to haul goods about Egypt, along the Nile.


The second photo I took to show the “Light House” up on the hill.  We saw several of these along our way.  The Nile goes relatively straight most of the time, but it did have a few major bends in it.  I don’t know how old the light houses are, but as you can see, they are not very new.


The third photo is just another agriculture photo.  You can see bananas growing on the left side and sugar cane on the right side.  We saw lots of both of these crops.
