Khan al-Khalili Bazaar

We didn’t go to as many bazaars in Egypt as we did in Thailand, Turkey or some other places that we visited.  These were difficult in that they were crowded of course, but the vendors in Egypt were extremely aggressive.  They would stick out their arms and block our way sometimes.  They would say silly things like “Come into my shop, everything is free”.  A couple of our group members had a vendor grab their wallet to “help” them make change.  It was somewhat unpleasant in the Egyptian markets.

In the first photo, you can see the end of the market where it spilled out into the open streets.  If you look closely at the top center of the picture, you can see the opening which is the narrow main street of the market.  Most of the market was in very narrow, very crowded, wall to wall people type conditions.  We sort of had to wriggle our way through the market and all the people. For those reasons, I never got any decent photos inside the inner market area.


The next photo was walking towards the inner or main market entrance. The third photo is the entrance to the inner or main section of this market.


Vicky and I broke away from our group and went down some side streets.  It was a bit unnerving being off the beaten path in this area, but at least it was much less crowded.  Some streets were super narrow and it was hard to take good photos on those streets.  The next three photos are of side streets that were quite a bit wider and much less crowded, but right in the same area.  It was too bad that the vendors were so annoying as they had some interesting stuff to look at.  But once you looked at anything, you had a vendor stuck to you.  I took the last photo mostly for the boy carrying the load of pita bread on his head – a common sight.
