Minaret Tower

We are still in the 15th century mausoleum of the rich prince.  As I said, it had a mosque with a minaret tower.  Our guides asked us if we wanted to climb the minaret tower.  So I asked myself, how many chances in life am I going to get to climb a Muslim mosque’s minaret tower.  (I’ve always wanted to climb one)  The answer of course was YES.  My legs wished that I had said No.

The tower was quite tall.  It was a narrow winding stairway the entire way up with high, narrow steps.  It was over 140 stairs to get to the top.  You can see the base of the minaret tower in the left side of the second photo in my previous posting. 

I’ve included three photos to record and verify our event.  It also shows you a few different looks at Cairo as we were quite a ways up in the air.  In the first photo, I’m standing with one of the caretakers who gave us the tour.


Vicky is holding her hat because of the wind and you can see her hair blowing in the wind.
