M S Provence


These are just some odds and ends photos typical of our time on board our river boat, the M S Provence.

 1.      These are nuclear power plants.  France has 58 nuclear power plants.  It seemed like France was very interested in being “green” and organic food products and all that, so all the nuclear power was a bit of a surprise.  Of course, they did have a couple of wind-generators right next to the nuclear plants. 

2.      Vicky was enjoying coffee one morning on our deck outside our room.  We got to enjoy good weather and smooth water most of our trip.

3.      We passed through lots of locks along the river.  Sometimes we passed several in a short time.

4.      This was one of our shipboard discoveries.  The cook gave us a crepe making lesson.  Then she let us try.  By this time, the cook had gone back to the kitchen and our waitress was standing in and helping out.  Vicky did a great job and flipped her crepe in the air like a pro.

5.      This is the finished product from Vicky’s crepe lesson.  Vicky needed a “taster”, so naturally, I volunteered.  It was delicious.

