Paris food and drinks


This post will be about some of our dining in Paris.  We did have a nice meal or two but I didn’t get any photos of those meals.  These meals were more to our liking.  A major meal took several hours, at least, and we were busy traveling about and seeing as much as we could, so these meals fit our schedule better.

1.      Vicky ordered what the menu described as something like a garden salad.  When it arrived, we could barely detect any lettuce.  Her salad was covered with cheese and prosciutto.  But she found the lettuce underneath.  As we were tired and wanted a light meal, I just ordered a side of bruschetta.  You can see what I got in the photo.  I could barely finish it.  We enjoyed some nice red wine with our meal.

2.      It  wasn’t all about the food for us.  This day, we had probably walked twelve to fifteen miles and it was reasonably warm, so we ordered a few beers.  This Parisian was at the next table but the tables were very close.  We struck up a conversation with him which lasted over an hour.  He was a great guy and we enjoyed our discussions.

3.      Our guide recommended a small place near our hotel and we stopped there one evening.  Our guide said that the onion soup was delicious and was an entire meal.  It was cool on this evening, so we stopped in and ordered the  onion soup.  When it was delivered, we thought, “how can this be a meal?”  In trying to get a spoonful of soup, we discovered that the top inch of the soup was cheese.  It was a very filling and delicious cup of soup.

4.      This was a small place right on the Champs-Elysees.  It was cool on this day and we needed both some hot coffee and some rest for our legs.  We seemed to fit right in.

5.      This was lunch in the Latin Quarter.  We each had a salad, sandwich, fries and coffee.  You can see all the cheese on my sandwich.  Most food in Paris was covered with cheese – and we loved it all.

