Paris Miscellaneous


We enjoyed many things in Paris and not everything fits neatly into one of my posts.  Here are a few side notes.

1.      We stayed at the Novotel Eiffel Tower Hotel while in Paris.  It’s the red building on the right in this photo.  We liked the location.

2.      Looking out our hotel window, we saw the Statue of Liberty.  This is another view of it.  It sits on a small island in the Seine west of the Eiffel Tower by the Pont de Grenelle bridge.  It was paid for by some Americans living in Paris to commemorate the one given to the United States by the French.

3.      This Statue of Liberty was one we discovered in Luxemburg Gardens when we visited there our second day in Paris.

4.      This Louis Vuitton store was on the Champs-Elysees and you can see that it had a long line just to get inside it.

5.      As busy and crowded as Paris was, we found plenty of places to rest and relax.  This is between the Louvre and Concord Square.  The tree behind Vicky is a Redbud tree.  The tree to the right is a Horse Chestnut tree and Paris streets were lined with Horse Chestnut trees, in both red and white blooms, as well as Napoleon’s Plane trees (Sycamores).

