Land Iguanas

Here are some land iguanas. These guys don’t go in the water. They have round tails, while the marine iguanas have flat tails. We saw lots of these guys, but mostly on South Plaza Island. They were more active than the marine iguanas that we saw here, which was surprising to me.  

The first guy was by far the old-timer of the island. He was also very big, as in probably around 13 or 14 pounds. He also blended in quite well with his surroundings.

The third guy seemed hungry because I would think you would have to be hungry to eat prickly pear cactus. Actually, that’s the land iguanas main food. No wonder they look so crusty.

The last photo might be just another land iguana, but I thought that I might have seen him in a Budweiser beer commercial. He definitely has the profile.