Ocean Miscellaneous

Here are some odds and ends photos. The first is of a couple of Sally Lightfoot crabs. We saw thousands of them and they have already been in some previous photos. This is just a close-up photo.  

This photo is as we were leaving an island and I happened to notice a marine iguana swimming in the waves. The boat was rocking so it’s not a great photo, but we didn’t see too many iguanas swimming.

The next photo is only interesting if you hear the story behind it. Vicky and I were lying in bed (on board the Carina) one morning and kept being awakened by a loud noise. It sounded like water rushing or something rustling. After hearing it quite a few times, I decided to go and check it out. I looked over the side of the boat from our second deck cabin. I noticed lots of fish in the water around our boat. After a while, some parrotfish came in chasing the little fish, resulting in the rushing water sound. I hung around and got this photo the next time it happened. I didn’t get the water at peak disturbance but you get the idea. The small fish were using our boat for protection from the parrotfish.

The last photo was from the same location but on another day. There wasn’t much cover for fish on the islands in the Galapagos, so the fish used the boats for protection. This was a common sight when looking over the side of our boat.