Iceberg Tour

On one morning we took a two hour boat ride out into the fjord and beyond into the ocean. Our primary goal was to do some close-up inspections of icebergs. This we did and it was not hard for even though this was at the end of August, icebergs abounded around Tasiilaq.

The weather was cool, of course, but it was a beautiful blue-sky day. The icebergs were spectacular.

Vicky didn't have her seasick pills with her, so was feeling uncomfortable. She stood at the bow of the boat, gritted her teeth, and had a fabulous time watching the icebergs. 

We managed to get extremely close on multiple occasions. The colors and noise added to a great trip.

We weren't out watching for whales, but I spotted the first one and after we went over to get closer, we started to see even more. We saw plenty including the one below, but then we went back to visiting the icebergs. It was all good.