Tasiilaq Odds and Ends

Our time in Tasiilaq was fabulous and rewarding. The town, Inuit’s, food, icebergs, whales, and two nights of the Northern Lights all made for a great visit.

These are just a couple of odds and ends things before we leave town.

This installation was just up the hill from our hotel. You can see Vicky standing underneath it. We could not find anything in writing like a sign to give any indication about why this was here or who it belonged to. But I will pick up this story, or a related one, when we get to Kulusuk.

This is a picture in the town's museum. Its a Narwhal or a Narwhale. It's a medium sized, toothed whale that has a large tusk from a protruding canine tooth. They can be 13 to 18 feet long, dive to 5000 feet, and stay under for 25 minutes. They eat halibut, cod, shrimp, squid, and cuttlefish. They get close to their prey and suck them into their mouth.

These are two Narwhale tusks that were in the museum. They were taller than me, so maybe six and a half feet long. The Narwhale is one of only two living species in their family, with the other being the Beluga Whale.

The airport at Tasiilaq was very small. It only had helicopters for air traffic. You can see the landing pad just above the right side of the terminal building. You can see a tent just past the landing pad and the sign said something about a survival training camp.

This is inside the Tasiilaq Airport. You can see Vicky standing and ready to board our helicopter. We boarded out of Gate 1. Care to guess how many gates they had? Yep, just the one.