Whale Watching

We went out whale watching from the small fishing village of Dalvik.  Our trip was spent in a fjord which was a really large body of water. We were out on the water for three hours.

We saw one Minke whale, and many harbor porpoises, white-beaked dolphins, and lots of humpback whales.

We also got to do some fishing while we were out and Vicky and I both caught fish. 

We didn't get to see any whale breaches but we got close to many humpback whales such as the one below.

We saw lots of tail displays as the whales dove. You can see the edge of the fjord in the background.

Sometimes the whales were coming right at us and they might have dived underneath our boat.

Here I'm displaying my catch of an Icelandic Redfish. It stood out well against the blue of our lined overalls. If it looks cold, it wasn't. Our coveralls mostly protected us from the wind.

Vicky caught a cod here. It was swinging its tail up but it's actually quite a bit bigger. Vicky's fish was bigger than my fish but I was mostly going for color. We also got to cook and eat the fish afterwards and they were delicious.