Horseback Riding

There was no horseback riding on our trip’s itinerary, so Vicky, my wife, organized a ride on her own.  Then she recruited ten others and we made it an event.

We had a nice long ride through pastures, along a fjord, through gorse and across two rivers or creeks.

I'm riding Falki (Falcon) and he loved to go. I was constantly slowing him down. I went from way back in the pack to next to the lead in short order. As I started to pass the lead horse, the lead wrangler told me that Falki liked to lead but that he wasn't allowed. Oh well, I had a great ride on this horse.

Vicky is riding Akkiles (Achilles). She had a good ride too and was happy that we got to trot and tolt as much as we did. A tolt is a special gait that only Icelandic horses have.

By now I was riding second. We started into a 40 foot wide river. I assumed it was probably quite shallow. About 15 feet in, the lead wrangler turned, saw me, and yelled, "You must pick up your feet". I did and right before my feet would have gone for a swim. Icelandic horses are a bit on the short side.

Vicky is riding along a fjord, though it was low tide.

I just included this photo of me and Falcon to give an idea of their size. They might be on the short side, but these horses were very strong and tough.