Pingvellir National Park

Pingvellir National Park has historical, cultural, and geological significance.  I most like the geological aspects. This park is in southwest Iceland about 25 miles northeast of Reykjavik. It's part of the Golden Circle tourist loop.`

Pingvallavatn Lake is the largest natural lake in Iceland. I found it curious that this lake was so close to this geological area where the earth seemed to open up at every glance.

Pingvellir is a fissure zone situated on the tectonic plate boundaries of the Mid-Atlantic ridge between the North American and the Eurasian tectonic plates. Here, you see Vicky standing on the edge of North America. Now we will walk down into the abyss and into Europe.

We are now in Europe looking back up at North America. This is a classic rift valley. This is also a filming location for Game of Thrones.

Pingvellir is also a famous historical site and the name means "Parliament Plains". The Alping General Assembly or national parliament was established here in about 930 AD. It continued to meet here until 1798. Our guide described these early parliamentary meetings as Woodstock for the 10th century. 

Water for the lake comes from a large glacier. Our guide said from snowfall to the foot of the glacier could take 700 years. Then it takes another 30 years to filter through the lava until it surfaces in fissures like this one - producing some of the cleanest water on earth. It then flows into the lake.