Iceland QUIZ

I have to say that an Iceland Quiz didn’t just pop out at me, like on some of my other trips.

But I know that many people like them, so I put one together.

This should be a really hard quiz, so good luck. 

This is the indoor horse arena that we visited. The head trainer told us about this facility. One key point that she made was about the footing in the arena. The footing had numerous good characteristics and one in particular. Question: what material composes the footing?

We visited this waterfall in a remote corner of our Golden Circle tour. You might notice someone fishing down in the bottom right. There were several fisherman on this stream. On the left side of the falls, you can see a fish ladder which helps fish move up stream past the waterfalls.             Question: what were the circumstances that Iceland officials decided to add a fish ladder to this stream? (note: it was NOT just so that fish could move upstream - that's obvious. What was the before and after circumstances that led to it?)

This is a self-pay facility. You might notice the credit card readers on the top of each sides turnstyle. They also took cash.            Question: what is this facility?

This facility is a holding pen in a farming area. You might notice all the sub-divisions in the holding pen itself.         Question: why does this holding pen have so many divisions?

This was on Heimaey in the Westman Islands. This happened on our coastal walk to see all of the puffins along the coast. Question: what was I doing in this photo? (that Vicky found so funny that she had to take this photo)