Iceland Reflections

We had a great time in Iceland, but then I think I say that about every trip. I just thought I would end this trip with a few reflections.

I just picked out a few interesting photos to end my trip. 

We saw over 100 waterfalls in Iceland. This reminds me that water is a key ingredient in Iceland. It also reminds me that we had some fantastic weather in Iceland. We were told that nice weather is not common, so we had more than our share.

The message from this harbor seal is that the Arctic Ocean is really cold. The seal appears to be trying to get as much of its body out of the water as is possible.

One conclusion about Iceland is that their long cold winters helped make them great soup makers, bread makers, and inventors of great troll and elf stories. I think this bit of elves wisdom reflects on Icelanders as a whole.

Our guide told us that a nice soak in the Blue Lagoon would make us look 10 years younger. For that reason, I thought that I had better include this photo - so you can recognize us since our soak in the blue lagoon.    (Note: he later said the effect only lasts for fifteen minutes) 

I took this photo from our hotel room in Reykjavik on the last night of our trip to the sun set on this trip.