Camp Activities

We are still at the Abhaneri tent camp.  We might have been out in the country but we weren’t sitting around with nothing to do.  Before dinner, we asked if we could check out the kitchen facilities.  Our guide said that the chef was from Nepal and was an excellent cook.  He offered to give us a cooking demonstration.  You can probably guess who couldn’t resist jumping into the kitchen and getting a little flour on herself, as you can see in the first photo.  The chef is on the left and our tour guide is in the middle.  After our cooking lesson but before dinner, we were entertained by some of the local farmers.  They were musicians and dancers and both the music and dancing was very entertaining.  And yes, Vicky couldn’t resist getting in on the dancing either as you can see in the second photo.


The next morning after breakfast, we played some cricket.  Our guide said that in India, cricket is not a sport; it’s a religion.  A couple of the locals were recruited to pitch and catch.  We all got to take a turn with the bat and play in the field.  I was busy working on my journal that morning so I arrived late to the cricket game.  I was the last person to bat.  The guy before me got 15 to 20 swings with the bat.  I got up and the first pitch was a roller, so I golfed it back up the middle.  My second pitch was over the wicket and I wacked a home run over the fence.  That was the first home run of the game.  Then they brought in the local talent.  His first pitch to me hit the wicket and it wasn’t sticky.  I dug in.  His next pitch was up and I hit a long walk-off home run into the middle of the neighboring wheat field: game over.  You can see my follow through on that swing in the last photo.
