Abhaneri Camel Ride

Our first order of business after stowing our gear in our tent was to go for a camel ride.  We got to ride for an hour and it was very pleasant.  We rode along paths and roads right out in the farmers fields.  It was all dirt roads.  We saw the farmers working out in the fields and the kids hollered and waved to us as we passed them.  We eventually ended up in a small village where the whole town seemed to come out to see us.  It was a small village and we were definitely the center of attention.

You can see Vicky in the first photo just after mounting her camel.  You can also see the farm land in the background though these were not my best pictures of the crops.  You might also notice the camel had designs shaved into its hair.  Our guide said the design shaving is just to make the animals look pretty or decorative.  You can also see the necklaces around the camel’s neck. 


In the second photo, Vicky has arrived at the small village.  The village was very simple but very colorful.  The third photo is just a photo of me on my camel.
