Abhaneri Tent Camp

We are on the road from Jaipur to Agra.  The area between these cities is farming country.  The primary crop is mustard and many of the fields were in full bloom.  Wheat was probably the second most planted crop and we saw lots of wheat as well.  We also saw orchards including guava, mango, and papaya.  The farmers all seem to have tractors and the farming operations look to be very well done and prosperous.  The crops looked very even with few weeds and good growth.

There wasn’t much in the way of accommodations (hotels and restaurants) in this area, or at least we didn’t see any of them.  We stopped in the area of Abhaneri which is a small village.  Abhaneri was an important village in ancient times, like back in the 8th to 10th centuries.  The town was supposedly founded by Maharaja Chand in the 8th or 9th century.  Today, it is mainly an agricultural area but does still attract tourists.  I would guess it attracts tourists primarily because it’s on the road from Jaipur to Agra, where the Taj Mahal is located.

At any rate, we spent the afternoon, night and the next morning at a tent camp.  It was quite pleasant accommodations by our standards, but then, we don’t require a palace.  We still felt a bit like royalty from a bygone era and you can see why in the first photo.  They greeted us by throwing flower petals on our heads and giving us flower lays and a bindi (third eye spot).  You can see Vicky getting greeted in the first photo.  You can get a better sense of the cabins and layout in the second photo.  And of course, you can’t have royalty without a Queen who you can see in the third photo resting in front of our tent.
