Indian Trucking

As long as I’m on the subject of trucking and trucks, I may as well send a few more truck photos.  These photos are a dime a dozen in India but what kind of report would this be if I didn’t throw in a few more truck photos.  I don’t know that the truck in the first photo had the biggest load that we saw, but he was in the running.


The truck in the second photo didn’t have too big a load but he wasn’t running on empty either.  I put the second photo in so that you could see the size of a rural highway.  A big truck takes up most of the highway.  You will also notice that the dirt shoulder on either side of the road gets frequent use – by everyone else on the road getting out of the way of big trucks.  Size matters on Indian roads and the big truck always wins.


As I said in the last post, my brother Mike is in the trucking business.  He hauls fuel or gasoline.  I’m sure that my brother thinks he’s running an efficient operation and watching his costs.  I want him to look at the fuel hauling operation in the third photo to see what a real super efficient, low cost fuel hauling operation looks like.
