School Visit

Our tour company, Overseas Adventure Travel, supports schools in the countries that they do business.  We have visited at least one school on each trip that we have taken with them.  We bring along school supplies to donate to the school, things like pens, pencils, and paper.  In India, the school was in a small town called Khilchipur.  This was a very rural area of Ranthambhore.  The school was a grammar school started by the man who is the principal.  He charges a small amount of money for the kids to attend.  Even though public grammar school is free in India, this man charges students to attend his school because he found that students have far greater attendance if their parents pay money for them to attend.  The school was very small and very simple.

In the first photo, some students are in the school yard and we are seeing the entire school yard in this photo.  They are doing morning yoga, actually sitting in meditation learning Sanskrit.  The man in front of the class is the teacher.


The second photo was taken in one of the small classrooms.  There were no desks, no pictures on the walls, a few well used books, and a chalk board for their teacher.  The students just sat on the floor in their designated space and listened to the teacher at the front of the class.


The third photo was outside just adjacent to the school yard (upper right in first photo).  At one time, this structure was the stable or barn area used to keep animals.  Now it is occupied by the pre-school class.  Vicky borrowed the instructor’s workbook and started teaching class.  No one seemed to mind.
