Town of Khilchipur

After visiting the school, we decided to walk around the town of Khilchipur.  We drew large crowds of very curious people.  Both children and adults would come up to us and stare and watch us.  Some asked for pens and pencils (word traveled fast), some asked us to take their pictures.  We felt like movie stars in a paparazzi frenzy.

The first photo is just a random photo of one of the typical streets in town.


The second photo was typical of many of the houses that we saw in town.  The houses were very neat and clean.  It appeared to me that most of the ‘work’ of the house was done outside the house.  In this photo, the woman of the house is preparing food on the right side of the picture.  They had a small fireplace/stove for cooking outside of the house.  The man of the house was making iron tools which I presume he does for a living.  We saw others who made clay cups and other things, so that their home is both a home and a business.


The third photo was another street scene and I included it to show the pigs.  We saw where these pigs live at their owners house.  The man who owns these pigs keeps them for a living.  He gets paid to have them run around town eating garbage all day.  He locks them up in their cages at night to keep them safe from predators.  We often heard the terms ‘garbage pigs’ and ‘food pigs’ in India.  If you are going to eat pork, you want to make sure you get a ‘food pig’ and not a ‘garbage pig’.  How do you tell the difference?  How would I know, I’m the guy who got sick, remember?
