Jaipur Home Visit

We had two home-hosted dinners in India.  Our tour company arranges for our group to eat a home-cooked meal in some family’s house.  The first home meal was at a middle-class family.  These photos are from the second home-hosted dinner.  It was at the Jaipur home of the Jaideep Singh family.  They were originally in the Rajput caste which was the ruling class.  They were very nice people and had a fantastic home.  They were a lively and talkative family.  The couple runs a school with grades K through 8 and are hoping to eventually increase it to all the way through grade 12.  The grandfather recently retired from being the Wildlife Commissioner for the State of Rajasthan.

You can see one wing of their house in the first photo.  We had drinks and snacks on the lawn in their garden before dinner.  This was after drinks and on our way into the house when I took this photo, so it was already dark.  The woman in the photo is the grandmother of the house.


The second photo was in a sitting room of some sort.  They had several such rooms.  You can see a picture of our hosts on the wall on the right side of the tiger’s head.  His grandfather shot that tiger.  It was a very nice place and if something looks silver or gold, that’s because it is silver or gold.


Our host’s father is in the third photo with Vicky.  We had been told that ‘historically’ in India, all real men had mustaches.  IF a man did not have a mustache, people would have some doubts about him.  One of our group asked this man about not having a mustache.  He laughed and said that as soon as he retired from being the Wildlife Commissioner, the first thing he did was to shave off his mustache, and then he laughed some more.
