Jaipur Street Food

I get a lot of questions inquiring about if we ate food from street vendors.  We did in Jaipur.  We literally ate our way around town.  We had chai tea, gooseberries, some white sugar product for the gods, chickpea fudge, dried and salted chickpeas with garnishes, peanut brittle, molasses sesame candy, and some herb pills to prevent (or induce) farting – which was our tour guide’s idea.

You can see the chickpea (garbanzo beans) fudge in the first photo.  It’s in the pan in the bottom center of the photo, just to the left of the guy sitting there.  It was very good.


We saw the product sold in the second photo quite often.  They would take a page from a magazine and roll it into the shape of an ice cream cone and then put in the ingredients.  In this case it was dried and salted chickpeas with tomatoes, onions, peppers, and so forth on top as garnishes.  This was also very good.


You can see the kitchen crew making the molasses sesame candy in the third photo.  The guy on the right was cooking it up.  It was also quite good.


Did we get sick?  Of course we did.  We were in India and we went in for the entire experience.