Old Delhi

Our guide started us off with a bang today.  Our first move was to go down a flight of stairs to Delhi’s Metro System.  It’s an underground train similar to our BART train at home in the San Francisco Bay Area.  Our guide said this would be a most amazing trip.  He said were going down to the Metro from the 21st century.  He said we would only be passing a few Metro stops and then we would come up out of the Metro in the 16th century, commonly known here as Old Delhi.  I would have to agree with him.  Coming up into Old Delhi was a bit like walking on to the set of a Stephen Spielberg movie.  The whole place was a bee-hive of human activity and we were right in the middle of it.  The roads were narrow, winding, crumbled, and crowded and it was every man, cow, donkey and goat for himself.  Old Delhi looked like it was about to fall down, but everything and everyone was moving so fast that no one seemed to notice.  Our guide said that he took us there in mid morning because it was not very crowded then.  He said if we went later, it would be so crowded that we would have a hard time getting around the place.

I have just included a few street scene photos that I took in Old Delhi.  This was right where we came up out of the Metro, so it was a main street.  It was wide enough for vehicles to use, unlike many of the Old Delhi streets.
