Rickshaw Ride in Old Delhi

In the last photo of the prior post, Vicky was just getting into our rickshaw for a ride through Old Delhi.  Our bicycle-rickshaw ride lasted for an hour and it was about as exciting of an adventure as I think I’ve ever experienced.  I felt like a blood cell in someone’s main artery, with some detours through a bunch of side arteries.  The fact that we got through our hour ride without getting in an accident or seeing anyone get injured at all told me that this was business as usual for Old Delhi.

The still photos were taken by Vicky and I from our rickshaw on our ride through Old Delhi.  You will notice that the streets were narrow and crowded.  Our guide said this was the slow time of the day, but I can’t imagine how people get around during the busy time.


I was surprised that I had the presence of mind to take a few short videos with my still, point-and-shoot camera, but I did.  I also remembered how it worked which was even more amazing.  These aren’t great videos, but they give you a much better idea of what it was like to take a rickshaw ride through Old Delhi.  I loaded the videos on U-Tube and provided links below, so all you need to do is be on line and control-click on the links.

 The first video was on the main street where we started, right after coming up from the Metro into Old Delhi.

The second video was a much smaller street, but not the narrowest or most winding street by any means.

The third video is back on a major street with vehicle traffic.