Avalanche Lake Animals

We started our hike to Avalanche Lake with Grizzly Bears in mind.  The park had warning signs posted about Grizzlies and there had evidently been quite a few bear sightings since the heavy snow was keeping the bears down lower than normal.  We were only about one half-mile into our hike when we spotted our first Grizzlies.  It was a mom and two cubs.  You can see them in the first photo.  If they look far away, they were.  They were on the hillside across the canyon from us.  Andrew got out his big lens to take this photo.  We could see them with our eyes okay but our regular camera shots weren’t very exciting.  The bears looked to be just turning over rocks looking for bugs.

The next photo is a deer.  We have plenty of deer here at home so we didn’t get too excited about seeing one in Glacier.  We all noticed, however, that this deer was about as tame and casual as our deer back home.  The deer must see plenty of tourists and realize that they are safe in the park.

The third photo is a bald eagle.  Can you find it in the photo?

We also saw five mountain goats on the rocks around Avalanche Lake but they were a long way up the mountain. 

Andrew took all three of these photos.