Avalanche Lake Hike

We left Lake McDonald Lodge and drove up the Sun Highway but we soon arrived at where it was closed due to an avalanche.  From there, we set off on our first hike of the trip.  Our destination: Avalanche Lake, how appropriate.  It was an easy two mile hike to the lake with lots of water and mud on the trail.  We could see and hear water all around us.  Water was running off of everywhere, especially since there was still quite a bit of snow pack and the weather had been quite warm for the past week.

In the first photo, you can see one of the many canyons with heavy torrents of water streaming down and sending off spray and sounds.  The mosses and lichens were all smiling with all the water coming their way.  Our biggest challenge on this hike was mud holes but well worth it when we got to the lake.  The next two pictures are Avalanche Lake.  You can see the waterfalls behind the lake and the whole area around was like an amphitheater with water falling all around it.  In the last photo, I’m on the lower right.  I look almost like I’m walking on water but I was only at the lake’s edge with water flowing into the lake in the foreground.