Lake McDonald

Lake McDonald was quite beautiful when we were there.  We had good weather while at the lodge and we spent quite a bit of time looking, walking, and relaxing near the lake.

I’ve attached four photos of the lake.  The first was in the morning as Vicky and I were down near the water.  Another couple asked us to take a photo of them, so we had them take one of us.  The second photo was taken the day we arrived at the lake and was from the road entering the lake area.

The next two photos are Andrew’s photos.  I’m a ‘point-and-shoot’ guy myself but Andrew is more of an artist with his camera.  I know this third photo is enhanced and I really like numerous things about it.  For one, the rocks on the bottom of the lake in the foreground looked just like that, with all those colors.  They didn’t come out like that in my photos, so I’m sending one of Andrews.  I also like the rest of the photo, but you can see for yourself. 

The last photo is also enhanced but it looked very much like that at sundown.  You can also notice all the dead trees from a fire last year.  It burned a large area but the park still was very beautiful even with the dead tree sections.
