Saint Mary and Virginia Falls

The hike to St Mary and Virginia Falls was another wet hike.  It was raining but we would have gotten wet anyway from the spray off the rivers and falls.  We also encountered quite a bit of snow on the trail on this hike.  The creeks and rivers were running high but the water was very clear considering that it was raining.  I’m not sure why but we enjoyed the whole experience.  You can see what I believe was St Mary Falls in the first photo.  It was a series of falls and to the right of us was a bridge that crossed over the river.

Virginia Falls is in the second photo.  We didn’t mind getting close to it because we were already wet and dressed for rain.  

The third photo was a gorgeous section along the trail.  The river dropped severely while making a horseshoe turn.  With the flowers blooming in front and the trees, snow capped mountains and clouds behind, we spent a while right here just enjoying it all.  Andrew got a much better photos than any I took here so I’ve included one of his.