Saint Mary Falls Moose

The next day, we started from our campground, St Mary Campground, in east Glacier.  It was raining and had been all night long.  We went to the visitor center and Andrew made some changes to our plan.  We broke camp a day early but while we were there, we decided to see and do what we could.  One of the first things we did was to take our second hike of the trip.  We set out for St Mary Falls in a light rain (first photo).  We were still conscious of being in Grizzly bear country but with the rain and mud and relief of getting out of our RV and doing some hiking, we were relaxed.  We were casually walking and about three-tenths of a mile into our hike.  Andrew and I were chatting away and not paying too much attention to anything but our conversation.  We suddenly looked up and a moose crossed the trail just a few feet (maybe 10 feet or less) in front of us.  I was looking up at the moose and he was twice as wide as the five foot wide trail that we were hiking.  I turned to tell Vicky about the moose, but she later told us she had seen it coming and yelled at us, but we never heard her.  Vicky said that when I turned around, I was as white as a sheet.  But hey, after almost getting run over by a moose, what did she expect.

I turned and took the second photo as the moose was still walking away from us, maybe some twenty-five feet away.  Call me crazy, but it looks more like a Sasquatch than a moose.  He walked a short ways farther, then stopped to eat.  He was in thick underbrush so we couldn’t get a clear photo of him.  But you can see a better photo of him in the third shot.  I just threw in the last photo because I had never seen moose scat before.  I don’t know what I expected but I was surprised by it.  Once I knew what it was, I was amazed at how much moose scat we found on the trail.  This guy must have a lot of friends.