Elephant Ride

Victoria Falls is a real adventure tourist town.  They have river rafting, hang gliding, rock climbing, and many other things for the adventurous tourist to spend their time and money.  We stayed very busy while in Victoria Falls and hardly had a minute of downtime.  Mind you, we didn’t consider having cocktails at Victoria Falls Hotel to be down time…

On this morning, we went for an elephant ride.  Vicky, Cory, and two others in our group went for this adventure.  After we received our instructions for riding the elephants, the guy in charge said that they had one elephant, Mocha, that would not go into their loading ramp and had to be mounted from the ground.  He asked for two volunteers.  Vicky and I volunteered and were the first two to climb onto their elephants.  As it turned out, we ended up at the rear of the elephant parade, despite being mounted first.  But I got a lot of good photos of Cory, who was two elephants in front of us.

You can see Cory and our friend Jill just getting started on their elephant.  Our elephant ride was in the Stanley Livingstone Preserve which is a 6,000 acre game reserve.  Our elephant ride lasted for an hour.

You can see Cory with her tie-dyed shirt two elephants in front of us.  You can also see a giraffe off to the left.  We also rode past warthogs, impalas, marabou storks, and other animals on our ride.

I finally figured out how to get a sort of selfie of Vicky and I riding Mocha.  I liked this photo and was pleased to have gotten the idea.

This is a better photo of Mocha and not too bad of Vicky and me.

Cory is feeding her elephant some treats after the ride.  It’s customary to reward your elephant with treats.