International Zip Lining

After our elephant ride, we went zip lining.  I don’t know this for sure, but I would guess that this is the only international zip line in the world.  We started in Zambia and zip lined across the Batoka Gorge into Zimbabwe.  Victoria Falls exits the falls area through the Batoka Gorge and the Zambezi River.  The gorge is about 425 feet high and we zip lined over it.

The Victoria Falls Bridge opened September 12, 1905 joining the countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe.  We are on the Zambia side of the river gorge and are packing our zip lining gear.

Per our instructions, I had my passport along for our zip lining adventure.  Again I’m in Zambia but you can see the zip line on the left which goes to the left side of the bridge, or Zimbabwe.

Vicky looks comfortable but I believe that she had a pretty good grip at that point.

This is Cory just taking off from Zambia.  I was waiting for her in Zimbabwe.

This is the Batoka Gorge and the Zambezi River which is what we zip lined across.