Helicopter Ride over the Falls

On the morning that we left Zimbabwe and Victoria Falls, we had one more adventure.  We flew around Victoria Falls in a helicopter.  It was just Cory, Vicky, myself and the pilot.  I got to fly co-pilot.  It was a fifteen minute flight, which might sound short but it was plenty of time.  We flew all the way around the falls twice and saw some of the nearby area as well.

Cory and Vicky are moving in to board the helicopter.

This is the view from the western end of the falls, which is the Zimbabwe side of the falls.  It was quite spectacular, even if it was the dry season.

This view is from the eastern end of the falls and the Zambia side.  You can also see the gorge leaving the falls and part of the Victoria Falls Bridge.  The town in the upper left is Victoria Falls.

This is a closer photo of the center of the falls.

This is looking down the gorge near the center of the falls.