Victoria Falls Miscellaneous

I said that Victoria Falls was an adventurous tourist town with lots to do.  Well, in case you were wondering, I thought I would throw in something that we DID NOT do: Crocodile Diving.  Maybe if we had remembered to wear our swim suits into town…

We did plenty of shopping in the town of Victoria Falls, but we did most of it at the Open Market.  That’s where the locals peddle their wares either out in the open or on mats or under lean-to shelters or sometimes inside stores.  It’s heavy bargaining and lots of vendors for every tourist looking to buy something.  And there is just about everything African that you could imagine…

We were inside the Zambezi Art and Craft Women’s Shop, where women make and sell all the goods.  Cory picked up a chatenga and instantly, a half dozen or more women picked up some for her to buy and surrounded her.  Cory was on the top of her game and handled them all with ease as she picked through all their goods and finally made her selection.

This is a multi-purpose photo to talk about several things.  It was about a fifteen minute walk from our hotel to the middle of town and probably that far to the Victoria Falls.  You can see the Victoria Falls Bridge behind Cory in the photo.  And with regards to our tie-dyed shirts, they were a big hit in town and especially in the Open Market.  Many locals went out of their way to come over to us and tell us how much they liked our shirts.  Several people insisted on buying our tie-dyed shirts from us, but we turned them all down.

How much were we offered for our shirts.  This is how much one local offered me – just for my shirt.  Yep, he offered me seventy-five billion, five million, and two hundred thousand dollars.  I turned him down flat.  Did I mention Zimbabwe is having economic problems right now?  Can you say “inflation”?