Porto Novo, San Antao Island

     This is the municipality of Porto Novo. It is on the south coast of Santo Antao island and the most populous settlement on the island. Due to its location, it did not develop very early. In fact, it was not a municipality until 1962. It was originally just a small fishing village. The port was also inaugurated in 1962. It's still a small town.

     We had a walking tour here one day and free time here the next afternoon. And while we were told that it was an exciting town, we were here on a weekend and evidently all the excitement must happen here during the week. But our visit here is still worth a post. There were fishing boats on the beach and many more moored out in the harbor.

The architecture was mostly somewhat boxish, and also included lots of bright colors. The main street was all cobblestones.

We did see a few buildings that struck me as being different, such as the one below.

The one above and the one below were both on the main street in town. The building below seems to pay homage to the town's fishing history.

It appeared to me that anyone could quite readily enter the local transportation business. We saw many of these small trucks hauling people about town.

The next photo is one I took looking over the wall, right where Vicky is standing in the above photo. I'd say this is still somewhat of a fishing village.