Aburi Botanical Garden

The Aburi Botanical Garden is in the Akwapim Hills in the eastern region of Ghana. The garden was established by the British and opened in 1890.

The garden is 160 acres so it's a large space. It is on the site of a former sanatorium, built in 1875. The palm trees below were planted in 1895.

We didn't get to see much jungle area in Ghana, other than parts of the botanical garden, such as below.

Below is the "monkey pot tree" which is in the Brazil nut family. It's a large, deciduous, dome-shaped tree. The fruit is shaped like a cooking pot and contains edible seeds.

Next was a Nutmeg tree with its small yellow fruits. Nutmeg is ground from the seed and Mace is ground from the seed covering, so two spices from this tree.

The next tree below is a silk cotton tree planted in 1924.

The next tree is a dead tree but some artists have had a field day carving it up.

It is hard to see but the carving is people trying to get to the top of the tree, or ladder in our society, by climbing over each other and pushing others down, with few exceptions.

You can also notice a rusted old cement mixer behind the dead tree on the left.

This dead helicopter sits in the garden. I include it because we frequently saw old broken vehicles and equipment in Ghana, always left where it died.